That is the question of the day, week, hour around here. Kate begins high school, 30 minutes away, in less than two weeks, but we are already quite familiar with Bishop Kelley as we have been there and back and there and back - ALL SUMMER LONG! Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled for her that she made the volleyball team, is enjoying her summer workouts, loves her team practices, embraces her role as a coach at volleyball camp. I am. Thrilled. What isn't thrilling is the amount of time I spend in our minivan we lovingly refer to as: LOIS. Let's get real. It's an hour, round trip. And we do that hour drive multiple times a day in the summer. Oh - and there's Will. This kid spends more time in the car than anywhere else. And I can't help but look ahead, to a couple of years down the road. As I drive her to and from Kelley, I'm secretly envisioning HER behind the wheel, navigating all the highways to get there and the crazy drivers behind, beside and in front of her, all going at 70+ miles per hour! It makes me a little nauseous. And by the way - there are two more behind her. Both are involved in more sports than just volleyball and both will be driving eventually. So, I get on my computer at night and start to pour through real estate on the market in Tulsa. I look, look, look to see if we can find a house that we all love, that Bill can stomach paying for, and that gets us back to the center of our activities.
Then, a day like this comes along. The light is just right out here. I am outside, alone, in the QUIET. I look around. I love it. I do. My head tells me it's best to go. My heart tells me it's best to stay. I think we'll just table this until one of them gets louder or my nausea is too much to handle.
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