Wednesday, June 20, 2012

All things little boy

When we first found out we were having a boy and began spreading the news, almost everyone would slip this into the conversation..."You know, little boys are really different than little girls."  Yes, I know this.  They would also say things like, "They are really physical, they don't just sit and color or quietly play with dolls."  "You are really in for a change."   These people delivering the warnings had one thing in common.  They had never met my girls. 

My house has been busy since the day Kate could move about on her own.  My sister in law recently posted a blog about their sweet baby boy who is almost a year old.  She said he was busy from the moment he woke up in the morning and went hard all day long until bedtime.  This so accurately describes all of my children.  Kate was an easy baby in terms of temperament.  She was so sweet, so easy to discipline but you better be ready for her when she woke up and there was no letting up until we tucked her in at night.  I was teaching a mom and baby yoga class when Kate was born.   I remember being amazed at the babies that would just sit in one place on the mat next to their mommas.  Kate made it about 7 months before she became too squirmy and too busy.  Until then, she was amazing.  She would sit for an hour at a time in her little swing and allow me to get through most of the class.  However, once she realized she had a choice in the matter....she was off!  Claire was much the same.  Look who she had for a role model!  With Kate leading the charge every day and Claire doing her best to keep up, it was a busy place.  One day, when they were about three and two, Bill came in from work and asked the usual question...."How was your day?"  I answered, "Good.  We played with play dough, dressed up as princesses, made a fort, painted toenails, strolled our dollies, finger painted, and played with pots and pans....and that was just the first hour they were up.  I've got more." 

I'm grateful for their energetic little bodies and curious minds.  It makes for a tired mom at the end of the day, but that's okay with me.  Will is no different in terms of activity level.  And, as people "warned" me, he's a boy!  But what they might not know is that I had some great training.  The girls prepared me for this little fellow and I have two very good helpers this time around.  Here's our favorite busy boy!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

No doubt about it...we've got some great dads, g'pas, Paps, Pa-pas, etc. in our lives.  So thankful for these men and several more not pictured.  Here's to all of you fathers who invest so much time and love into your little people (and big people)!  We love you!