Monday, April 28, 2014


Oklahoma Land Run day at Monte Cassino
3rd grade


Oklahoma, from my point of view

One thing I had to give up when I moved to the pasture was trees.  The big, beautiful, mature ones that produce all that great shade.  We've tried - we really have - to plant lots of trees.  I think two or three have made it and are currently around 9 feet tall.  Not much of a tree to climb or shade to sit under!

The trade off is all of that wide open space, the wide open view of the sky and the landscape.  The sunsets and sunrises can be startling they are so bold and beautiful.  The sky out here at night just amazes me.  I know those stars have been there since the beginning of time, but they look different to me now.  It's just enough darker, more vast - it seems like you can see every single star in the universe.  It's not often I have a minute to look up these days, though.  But when I do, I usually stop right where I am, car door still open, backpacks, lunch boxes and papers from the day in my hands, kids running past me to get inside, Blue jumping up to greet me. I stop right there, head tilted all the way back and just stare in amazement.  I have tried to get the kids to join me, stop them from stampeding inside long enough to see how amazing the night sky is, but they have other things on their minds.  I take exactly three deep breaths, all alone with Blue waiting patiently beside me, and then head inside to join the chaos.

These are some of my favorite pictures.  The first two are recent storms, neither of which were very severe, thankfully.  This is my new interest.  I don't really enjoy seeing a big storm brew, but lately I can't help but grab my camera!  Wish I knew enough about photography to know how to capture some of those starry skies??  Maybe one day.

One of my favorites, by far.
Sunrise on a Sunday morning.  Unbelievable.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


I have said it before, Kate is my right hand gal.  Fairly certain I could not function nearly as well on a day to day basis without her.  Both of my girls are helpful, really, but Kate is my go to girl.  She rarely seems bothered or inconvenienced by my..."Hey, Kate?"  Which is always followed by "Can you please....."  Could be anything.  I almost never get anything but compliance.  This is so nice and I am so thankful.  BUT, every once in a while, she just doesn't want to do it.  She's 10, she's got a million other things she'd like to do.  She doesn't want to find Will's shoes, chase Blue out of the pond, help Will put on yet another tattoo, fix something on my phone, chop the carrots for the soup, feed Wilson or find that Lego that has been missing for a week!  She just doesn't.  I usually let her off the hook because for that one thing she doesn't feel like doing, she's made numerous deposits into the Bank of Helping Mom.

Last Thursday, Bill and I were going to a dinner with some friends....a nice, dress up dinner for a great cause, live auction, the whole nine yards.  I had to buy a dress and all the jewelry to go with it.  That kind of dinner.  Claire was spending the night out and I had come home after school with Will and Kate.  My plan, of course, was to get Kate to play with Will while I got ready.  She didn't want to.  Really didn't want to.  I couldn't let her off the hook, had to get ready.  Yes, Kate, you have to.  Sorry.  I need to get in the shower.   Just walk around with him out there and make sure he doesn't fall into the ponds.  G'pa will be here in about an hour. I have got to get dressed.

No words from her - no eye roll - just a look that told me, "I don't want to".  And I looked back at her with a look that said, "You have to."  So, she did.  I watched for a minute just to make sure they were okay. Then I got my camera because they were kind of cute, Will riding his tractor and Kate walking there with him, making sure he was safe even though a little uninterested.  Then I noticed she was showing him all kinds of things, starting to skip rocks, starting to have fun.  So I kept taking pictures. I think these tell a really great story.  They are absolutely two of a kind.  They are the two that were most similar as toddlers...busy, beyond busy!  They were both into everything under the sun except their own toys.  Messy, messy, messy. If there is dirt or mud involved, sign them up!   I see so much of Kate in Will.

I didn't get ready right then.  I took pictures and watched my kids talking, playing and enjoying each other. Totally worth it.

I did eventually get dressed and make it to that dinner, thanks again to my right hand gal.

Not wanting to do this

In charge of Will.  Not how I wanted to spend my afternoon.

Slow down, keep it in the road


Visiting Bubbles and Thunder

Keeping him straight

A little small talk 

Hmmm, this could be fun.  Let's see what we
can find to throw in the pond

Let's find a good one

Flinging rocks

This is my favorite's like she's teaching him the art of finding that
ginormous rock that will make the BIGGEST splash!

OOH, good one Will!

Digging in the dirt - this is where you'll find them.