Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy Birthday to Will!

Two years old as of March 3, 2012.  I hate to start this blog it went so fast.  But, wow it went so fast!  He brings so much fun, joy, love, perspective, and energy to this family.  We feel so grateful to have him in our mix.  I have had just as much fun watching my girls interact with him as watching him.   To see them read to him, change a diaper (wet ones only!), get him dressed, get him a snack, and just care for him in general warms my heart.  I think we are not only busy shaping and teaching him, but learning from him too.  They learn all kinds of valuable lessons just by being big sisters. 

Here is a quick summary of all things Will.  Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet little boy!

* Loves to sing

* Can repeat almost anything you say (careful!)

* Loves the barn and hanging out in it with Dad.  A ride on the tractor would be a close second. 

* Runs everywhere he goes - walking does not exist

* Talks to me constantly on our trips in to Tulsa to get the girls, etc.

* Loves pizza, roast, and barbeque chips

* Still loves his bottle of milk (morning, naptime, and nighttime)....don't rush me!

* Loves to Dance - anytime he hears music

* Water, water and more water to play in...sinks, tubs, anywhere he can turn on some water

* Calls shoes, Bee-Bops

* Calls the raindrops, rainbops

* Has been known to call for Claire or Kate (over the monitor) after his nap, especially if he isn't happy with Mom and Dad. 

* Loves our dog, Missy

* Loves his cow blanket

* "Momma, hold you."  My favorite thing he says.  Actually, he begins almost every statement with "Momma"....I guess just to make sure I know he's talking to me and that I'm paying attention!

* "Here he is!"  Bill's favorite thing he says.  Kate said it exactly the same way.

* Is the cutest thing, in my book!  Check it out!   

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