Monday, January 2, 2012

A new year, resolutions, and being happy...

I have so many pictures to share from Christmas and our Christmas break, but this little story is fresh on my mind so, once again, I am blogging out of order!  Who cares though, right? 

Last night, we, like the rest of America, enjoyed the traditional meal of black eyed peas, cabbage, sauerkraut (for my husband and apparently now Kate), and ham.  As we were eating, I suggested we go around the table and share our resolutions for the new year.  "What's a resolution, Mom?"  Claire asked.  We all explained that it was kind of like a goal...something you either wanted to stop or start for the new year.  We gave her examples, she listened and seemed to get the idea.  Kate started with her resolutions....(1) to get to school on time and (2) to stop biting her nails.  (I think #1 has more to do with me than the girls, so I will add that to my list).  I rattled off my list which has been the same for 10 years...(1) get more sleep, (2) read more and (3) exercise more.  Boring, I know!  But all three SO needed!  Bill said read more.  He was in charge of Will at this meal, so he had time for sharing just one resolution before dodging another black eyed pea. 

Then came Claire.  We all looked at her.  "Claire, what are your resolutions for the new year?"  She was quiet, looking as if she might still be thinking of what she was going to say.  Then, here it goes.  "I don't really think there's anything I need to start OR stop doing", she says with a great big smile.  We all look at her.  Kate with a "you've got to be kidding!" sort of look.  Me with a "We need to work on her humility" sort of look, and Bill....just laughed.  He probably had the appropriate response.  I almost opened my mouth and tried to help her think of some resolutions...but I decided not to.  I decided that she is SEVEN and there is plenty of time for her to feel the need to "work" on herself.  I like the confidence!  Goodness knows, our society, media, etc. will push you to the max to be faster, more accomplished, more fit, more glamorous, more social, more organized, more this, more that!  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for improving, changing, doing good things for ourselves, but that can so quickly turn into self loathing.  Well not now, not Claire!  She is happy with herself and happy to be her!  Grandma and Grandpa gave her the cutest, most fitting shirt for Christmas this year.  "So Happy to be Me!"  And I am so thankful that she is.  Isn't that what we're all after anyway?!